Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Gravel Bikes- A Changed Perspective


Gravel Bikes, and why they are the final frontier of cycling

It took me many years to understand what the "spirit of gravel" was all about. When gravel bikes came out around 10 years ago, they seemed like a solution we didn't ask for to a problem that never existed. Back then, when I lived in perfectly paved suburbia, I was at a lost as to why someone would willingly go out of their way to ride where the streets had no name (only Farm to Market numbers in this case). Gravel cycling seemed to contradict every rule I had once associated with cycling; going fast, being competitive, counting grams, using power data, etc. Riding gravel, is in fact, the antithesis of all that represents modern day cycling. Today, I wouldn't have it any other way.

In the past few years, I moved out of that little quaint, perfectly paved and maintained town that I lived in into the ex-burbs. This is the very outer limit as to what constitutes suburban and rural, on the border, one could say. It is right here on the edge of civilization that I have once again rediscovered gravel biking but with a whole new appreciation for what is possible on this type of bicycle. I am also learning that the slower speeds and challenging terrain allow me to be more immersed in my rides whereas before I was simply riding to track my fitness gains. 

When I get on my gravel bike, the only thing that matters is the ride. I'm on a bike that is too slow to worry about average speed, too heavy to worry about setting a PR on a local climb, too cheap to worry about dodging muddy puddles or getting it covered in dust. I can now focus on the surroudings around me, and appreciate aspects of rural living in addition to the beauty of creation.

The bike featured is a Bianchi M.U.S.S singlespeed mountain bike from the mid-aughts turned gravel grinder with a bargain bin 29er wheelset that came off of a parts bike. I have a dedicated gravel bike that I will do a review on later (stay tuned for a review on my Marin Nicasio Plus, which I have been riding for the past couple of years). The Bianchi, however, is the most "Spirit of Gravel" bike that I own. I encourage the reader to look at my other blog posts to get an idea about what the spirit of gravel means. I will summarize by saying that it means being more adventure inclined than considering oneself an athlete participating in an organized sport. Cycling is the only pastime that has a different meaning to almost everyone. The spirit of gravel, means riding gravel for the fun of it, approaching it in the most practical, fun and inexpensive way possible. 

That being said, all of the fun, practical and inexpensive gravel bikes seem to be in the 30 pound range, made of steel and running cable actuated shifters and brakes. Derided by the weight weenies, these types of bikes are collectively known as ATBs in their modern colloquialism. Pioneer bike blogger and OG hipster Russ from the Path Less Pedaled summarized this style of bikes and riding as "alt biking", or alternative biking. This is because  we now have an alternative to the race focused and competitive nature that we, as cyclists all too readily embrace, even though it runs counter to our own aspirations of why we ride a bike in the first place. 

It is this type of riding, "alt biking" that I am taking a keen liking too and would like to discuss a little further in coming blog posts. I am not alone in my sentiment. Grant Petersen was an early pioneer of this movement and basically wrote the guidebook to it "Just Ride", which I reviewed years ago. Now you have influencer personalities like Ronnie Romance and The Radavist carrying the torch where Grant Petersen left off. I recommend giving these guys a look if you're feeling disconnected from the perception of what a cyclist is supposed to be.

Cycling from the purview of Lance Armstrong, Chris Froome or even worse, Tadej Pogacar is not fun and can actually be depressing role models and aspirations to have. The same goes with other sports I enjoy like skateboarding. Skating from the purview of what it meant to be a skateboarder in the 90's doesn't make sense to someone who is about to turn 40. While I enjoy landing the occasional kickflip, I am no Rodney Mullen nor will I ever be. I will likely injure myself out of all sports trying to emulate Rodney's legacy. Skateboarding needs to be unique to the person I am and done within the abilities I possess. That is why surf skating is a welcome change now that I'm older and I am more active on my board now than when I ever was in my teens or twenties.

More on this topic later

So applying the skateboarding illustration to cycling, I am now realizing that my approach to riding a bike needs to be to the stage I presently am in life and the abilities I possess. Gravel bikes and gravel cycling fill that role nicely. Riding around the rural parts of my community where the roads are bad and full of potholes makes more sense these days than putting my bike on a roof rack and driving an hour to a popular greenbelt everyone in Dallas uses. I understand that as an early adopter of this philosophy I will be going at this alone within my peer group of "serious" cycling buddies, so I may stop seeing the regular crew for a while. I also understand, however, that they too will one day cross over the same bridge I did, and will join me in the alt biking club.

This is the final frontier of cycling, the last chapter, the golden sunset, the happy ending that is to befall all wannabe racers and fast people out there. So go ahead, throw away that power meter and cycling computer, get a 30 pound steel gravel bike, put a handlebar bag on it and carry on with dignity in your years and adventure in your hearts. The abandonment of ego is the beginning of wisdom. Keep that fast bike, because if you already own it, then N+1, why not? This is now the time, however, to ride the wheels off of your slow one. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Gone Mountain Biking

 Are we entering into a new era of off road dominance? 

To some, it's an era we never left.

There was a time when the humble mountain bike covered almost all aspects of non-competitive cycling. A short trip to the grocery store? Check. Your commute to class? Check. A ride around town or to a friend's house? Check. A weekend getaway to your local trails? Check. In the beginning, there was one bike to rule them all. It was not a fancy carbon road bike costing in the thousands. It wasn't even a gravel bike as in those days we've never even heard of the concept. It was the old school, twenty six inch wheel diameter, horizontal top tube, diamond framed mountain bike with optional (not de facto) suspension. This was a time dominated by cyclists who rode the sidewalk where they existed or rode the shoulders of roads in their area. Fanny packs and saddle bags ruled supreme, and helmet use was still optional. Bicycles were simple, analog machines with cable actuated gears and brakes that anyone with a basic set of tools could learn to service from their backyard. Recently, I have noticed a longing for simpler times and the market slowly gravitating towards the kind of riding that most people who don't call themselves cyclists have been doing for years.  For good reason, as the biggest demographic of cyclists has been underserved by the trends that have dominated for so long that it is hard to remember there existed a time before them.

In the past 30 years, the U.S has gone through three cycling popularity waves. This doesn't include the great bike boom era of the 1970's because that era is well in the rear view mirror of time now. The first wave of cycling popularity came around 1989 and lasted until about the year 2000. This is the era that I will refer to as "Gone Mountain Biking" because of a meme I saw a few years ago on a cycling forum on this very subject. This era coincided with Greg Lemond's last Tour De France victory and the rise of Lance Armstrong in subsequent years. The early years of this era counted on some very good marketing approaches such as televised races and appearances of mountain bikes in shows and sitcoms (does anyone remember Jerry Seinfeld's Klein that hung inside his home?). Road biking during this time was both a niche sport and arguably more dangerous than it is today, although in this article we will discuss the return of those dangers that kept cyclists off the roads during that time. During the entire decade of the 90's, I cannot remember one person that owned a road bike. Aside from a few 70's Schwinns that would occasionally pop up at pawn shops there was no trace of any curvy handlebar bikes anywhere in society. One can argue that I was observing society then through the lens of a child and maybe I would of noticed road cyclists more had I been paying attention, but I can honestly say that during that decade I didn't see a single one. I didn't know those bikes existed until the late 90's and only through watching the Tour De France.

Imagine a society that only rode on rigid or hardtail mountain bikes for recreation and in a nutshell you have what cycling was like in the 90's. I was first made aware of road cycling as a sport in the early 2000's, but still had no connection personally to what it meant to be a road cyclist. Around 2003, a friend of mine showed me his Cervelo Time Trial bike he used when he competed in South Africa. That was the first time I got to see one up close and I remember the twinkle in my eye when he told me how far he could ride on that bike. I think I already owned one of those yellow Livestrong bracelets during those years. A few years later, around 2007 I bought my first road bike. My interest in road cycling coincided with Lance Armstrong's return to cycling in 2009 when he rode for team Radio Shack. With an ambassador for the sport domestically, road cycling enjoyed a resurgence in popularity for a few more years. This popularity led to improvements on multi-use trails nationwide and a much larger national conversation about the health benefits of cycling as well as it's use for transportation. All of these efforts came crashing down around 2012, when Armstrong became a disgraced figure in the sport over his use of performance enhancing drugs. This era is what I refer to as the Lance Era, spanning in earnest from about 2003 to 2012.

Since 2012 the popularity of cycling has waned and is now suffering a slow atrophy. Road cycling has traditionally been exclusive in its ability to attract new people into the sport. From it's cost of entry (road bikes being some of the most expensive) to the lack of infrastructure to ride safely it would seem like road cycling is a sport practiced by daredevils and those with a death wish. Instead of local municipalities addressing the concerns of cyclists, the nationwide construction booms for housing have not made any concessions to cyclists on the roads. Many neighborhoods are still being built without sidewalks and many cities are not adding bike lanes or protected shoulders for those who wish to commute by bike. Roads are getting busier while at the same time less maintained. Adding to the difficulty of being a cyclist on the roads, most new truck or SUV grills are on average four feet tall, making it difficult to notice a cyclist riding at about the same height as the grill. The average consumer of road cycling equipment are men over the age of 40. Many who have been at this for a while are now hanging up their road bikes in favor of E-bikes, or simply no longer riding at all. While some Millennials and even some Zoomers are picking up cycling, they are more the exception than the rule and many are chasing the clout that social media showcases them. It is difficult to know whether this new generation of road cyclists that is small in numbers will stick to the sport the way the generations before them did. While the road cycling genre sputters to stay alive, a new movement has been slowing gaining traction and should make it's day view as the next big wave of the sport.

Gravel biking has been discussed in the cycling circles way before the first bikes were marketed to the public. I first heard of it in the early 2010s through cycling forums and blogs, which referred to gravel biking as gravel grinding, randonneuring or underbiking. Before purpose built, race gravel bikes were invented, many would fashion gravel bikes out of cyclocross bikes, old mountain bikes or 70's road bikes with clearances for 650b wheels. Here in the states, some of the first gravel events were held in rural parts of the country, such as the Trans Iowa hosted by it's inventor Guitar Ted. Some of the oldest events in my area are the Texas Chainring Massacre and the Red River Riot. Gravel bikes are constantly undergoing a metamorphosis leaning either towards becoming a road bike or back to a mountain bike. Seeing as how gravel events are similar to early XC mountain biking events, I would say that we are on a return to the "Gone Mountain Biking" era. After all, gravel bikes are marketed as do it all bikes, a trait that they share with some of the first mountain bikes. It seems like the gravel bike trend is becoming a segway as more road cyclists get off the pavement and onto rail trails, country dirt roads and eventually mountain bike trails.

With no "Lance Era" spokesperson left for cycling in the U.S, it has become increasingly difficult to maintain the hard fought and delicate space we have created for ourselves on the roads. As the nation reverts back into it's car centric identity, the notion of looking out for or respecting other road users quickly vanishes from the collective consciousness of drivers. Maybe this is a phenomenon only witnessed in new suburbia or other sprawling communities, yet it is impactful to society at large as well as  in the world of cycling. People will always use their bicycles. The question is going to be how they do so moving forward. Many who were once remote workers during the pandemic have had to return to the office, further adding to the gridlock that exists on the roads. Will people who love cycling simply be forced to move to where there is more infrastructure for it, or move so far out into a remote area where there's no cars to worry about? Or will we see a "Gone Mountain Biking" part 2 play out in this decade, with road bikes falling into obsolescence for a few years?  I can only speak from my own experience that I am now using my road bike less and less and find myself driving out to paved trails when I do. I figure since I'm driving either way it might as well be to a mountain bike trail. Also, mountain bikes have bigger tires for all of the rough surfaces I have to deal with when out on the roads. So, in a way I've never left that "Gone Mountain Biking" era and I feel it will eventually come full circle at some point in the next few years. It was nice being a road cyclist while it lasted, but I have always been and will continue to be on a mountain bike.



Monday, February 5, 2024

For Old Times Sake...

 Demonitized, de-incentivized and irrelevant as time has moved on...

...But I'm still here.

    I remember a time when Google would send me a $100 check in the mail every year for my blog contributions on Blogger. It was always a treat to see proof that people were engaging with my written content and it made me feel good as an amateur columnist of the internet. Those were the days when people read instead of scrolled. The modern day chat forums were in their infancy and if most people were interested in researching a topic they would turn to blog posts instead of going on YouTube. 

A lot of good ideas and good intentions have now gone by the wayside. Technology has left them behind as well as the fickle nature of people's constant wandering interests. Every once in a while, something is picked up from the rubbish heap and trended for a few days on social media. A good idea can be acknowledged with a fleeting curiosity, given a self righteous lip service then tossed back in the heap for a few more years. The truth is, all good ideas are filtered through the sea of bad ones, making it impossible for them to prevail. They are constantly tumbling in an ever changing media spin of trends and content that is making the world's head spin. Society is primed and ready for a Fahrenheit 451 scenario, all too ready to stop reading, critically thinking, creating and imagining all together. Here's the thing, if good ideas were allowed to flourish, progress would be made and our society as a whole would be improved. However, only be bad ones prevail because they promote inequality and division instead of collaboration, inclusion and a societal baseline safety net. Bad ideas only benefit a small group of people who hold the most power, instead of giving more power to the people. Social media has become the coping mechanism for the masses, a means of consuming the fantasies of wealth and status (whether real or imaginary) that the privileged few occasionally decide to share with us. Meanwhile, the infrastructure projects that would improve people's lives are quietly shelved or hollowed out of funds on a local, state and federal level so that a bigger football stadium can be built in one town or more parking space for giant SUVs and trucks can be added in another.

Reading the list of transportation initiatives that have failed to thrive in the past ten years would easily read like a eulogy.  Mixed use zoning was a way of property developers to make overpriced, luxury apartments that gentrified long standing neighborhoods. Bicycle transportation networks have resulted in many trails that lead to nowhere. Sharrows no longer get repainted by city maintenance. Rental bikes were often vandalized, stolen or tossed around towns and college campuses as road debris. Whatever happened to that bullet train that was supposed to go from Dallas to Houston? Whatever happened to that trail that was supposed to connect Dallas to Fort Worth? What ever happened to many cities 2030 walkability plans? Was that bond money re-allocated to say, having the nation's largest High School football stadium only to be outdone by another town the following year? How about the policing and fare enforcement of DART rail? How did DART go from being one of the largest rail networks in the country to one of the most poorly maintained, and dangerous to ride on? Why does most new city planning in new areas not include sidewalks or bicycle infrastructure? Why are SUVs and trucks 3 times the size that they were 10 years ago as well as 3 times as fatal? Why do public works projects like installing a traffic light now take a year or more to complete?

The changing landscape that has resulted as bad ideas have taken over have left us in the DFW cycling community with little recourse as our roads have slowly become unrideable over the past few years. The post pandemic population explosion has also added more vehicles to an already strained, unkept road infrastructure. All of these new vehicles have grills and headlights taller than a child's head in the front, resulting in poor visibility to the driver and over reliance on lane and other object sensors. Now, already distracted drivers on their phones are behind the steering wheels of much more fatal weapons. What is a road cyclist to do these days?

The truth is, it is expensive to live near any cycling infrastructure as properties that are built or around existing trails are fetching a premium. In addition to these locations having always been expensive and cost prohibitive, the current mortgage interest rates and property values have deemed areas that once could be aspired to as un-obtainium. For long time locals in the area, moving to another part of the state is simply not doable. The result of all of this is that we now face a grim choice as cyclists if we are to continue doing the sport we love; cycle indoors or quit cycling. In recent years, indoor cycling has enjoyed a resurgence as more technology has been thrown into smart trainers and virtual reality cycling software. I guess when reality sucks the only way to keep fitness gains and be a part of the community is through virtual workouts. As a user of indoor trainers there is nothing I hate more than burning the rubber on my rear bike tire sitting in place or an hour, sweating puddles and giving myself crotch pain trying to push out watts on a traditional trainer. However, with how bad the situation has gotten on the roads I am seriously contemplating buying a smart spin bicycle that can work with virtual riding software. Even with a mischievous toddler and limited space in my home this option seems wiser than riding out of the neighborhood sometimes. 

Driving to the trails isn't much of a better option. The nearest trail to nowhere that is paved is still a good 30 minutes away from my house. To get to a premium riding destination is about an hour drive. I have a few mountain biking trails that are closer, but extreme weather can keep those trails closed weeks at a time. Up until a few years ago, I lived near trails or lived in a bike friendly town. I would routinely get rides in as often as 3 times a week. I had fitness, I had drive and I was in the right environment for cycling. When we bought our first home in many years we were priced out of the areas I had lived in previously. We bought into a new community which was at time a small neighborhood surrounded by quiet, rural roads. In a matter of just a few years, the growth in the area has exploded, but the roads aren't any better. Several neighborhoods are now built or being built in the area. Newcomers who don't respect the slower pace of rural life are tearing up the once tranquil, idyllic roads. The new home we bought as a family has become a money pit of problems caused by rushed construction and rolling black outs in the area. We are in the golden handcuffs scenario as having a mortgage rate too low to refinance and no way of lowering our mortgage payment elsewhere. So unless I leave Texas altogether, there is no moving back to the city or closer to bike trails anytime soon. 

As I get older, the more irrelevant  I become. My cycling peers of a similar age have already moved over to the dark side of cycling, aka indoor cycling. Road cycling isn't attracting a younger audience like it did when I started riding, one could even argue that it has always struggled to find its footing with younger people. The fact that I am choosing to blog about it in 2024, when the written language is going the way of analog film cameras, is my therapy and way of coping with life's changes. We are in a malaise era in a lot of ways, but this is probably the worst time to be a cyclist on the roads of north Texas than any other period of time that I can remember . In the grand scheme of things, my problems are only a ripple effect pointing to a much larger moral bankruptcy in our society today. 

It's official that the millennial generation that I am a part of has finally grown up, peaked and fallen out of style and favor with the generation coming behind it. Despite this, I am still here in the sense that I will continually adapt to life's changes and will do my best to make the best of getting older. I do not really feel like my time has passed. There is very little evidence of change of who I am on the outside as well as how I feel on the inside. I must admit, however that the rest of the world is moving on and away from those in my age group, especially in terms of deeming them a target audience in the fitness community. I get more targeted ads for investing and politics than I get for new bikes. No matter what, I will keep going, putting one foot in front of the other, one pedal stroke at a time.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Market Trends for 2023 and beyond: Race Bikes are for Racers, Fun Bikes For the Rest of Us

 Where is Cycling headed in 2023? 

    I can remember a time in 2007 as a young twenty something feeling pumped after buying my first bike shop bicycle. It was a 2007 Raleigh Sport from a mom and pop store that has since closed down. It was about two sizes too small for me but it was the only bike on the shelf that I could afford. The store owner swapped the stock stem with an adjustable one so that I could raise the handlebars a few degrees higher. I remember why I bought that $400 bicycle, what led me to maxing out my early line of credit for it. It was an autobiography that I read by a now infamous figure in the world of cycling titled "It's not About The Bike". His experience and watching the Tour De France on TV led me to believe that cycling was something doable, something that could be a long term plan for a healthy way of life. A lot of my friends that I grown up with had disappeared during this point in my life. Those that remained were getting married and gaining tons of weight. Many had an unbalanced view of alcohol and I had yet to understand the damage that consuming two six packs of beer and two bottles of wine a week could do to the body. The point is, I was trying to find a solution to not becoming part of a status quo of unhealthy people in society, which seem to be a majority of people these days. I felt like life was just beginning for me, that I was at the start of adulthood and many good things to come. I didn't want to say in my mid-twenties, like many people do today that "I'm feeling old" where I was nowhere near being old.  Up to this point I was a regular runner, but dealt with nagging knee pains after runs that I plagued me since I was a teenager. I had no intention of slowing down, but I needed a new outlet for my exercise routine. For many years, cycling became that outlet. 

My first bike in 2007. I miss the days when I looked like this!

Fast forward to the year 2023. There are no more heroes in the world of cycling. No more inspirational characters to lead the masses in the spirit of sport and competition. Gone are the days where racing aspirations once existed. No one seems to be interested in riding crits or doing road racing, where there can only be one winner and the rest won't get compensated for their entry fees, travel arrangements, broken collarbones or trips to the ER.  Many people are leaving the once burgeoning group ride scene. Roads are getting more dangerous as drivers are more dependent on technology and in turn more careless and reckless. Many friends have since hung their road machines in the garage, swearing that surely one day they will take them down and dust off the cobwebs. The truth is many don't have the time or the circumstances to ride like they once did, with the cost of living going up and other life priorities taking the place of an afternoon once reserved for riding. COVID did a number on all of us and many have lasting health limitations as a result of that virus. All of the Lance-era cyclists have gotten older and are becoming a fading demographic, with a shrinking share of the market supported by them. E-bikes are a thing now and many are whizzing away on them into their golden retirements.  All of these things point to a massive inflexion point, one that the majority of the cycling industry fails all too often to grasp. Many cycling companies are still dug in their heels, charging a premium for what essently should just be an exercise machine, basic transportation or fun on two wheels. 

When referring to people in general, this is what most associate with a bicycle. To most people, a bicycle is just a tool. It's a means of achieving weight loss, a means of getting from point A to point B, or something to take their mind off of their problems and offer healthy and wholesome recreation. That doesn't mean that people will just use any tool for the job. People are willing to invest in good tools that are durable and effective at getting the job done. That is why I think there will always be a market for good, quality bicycles. There's nothing wrong in having nuanced tools for specific jobs. However, when money is tight, sometimes a crescent wrench does the work for a few missing sockets. Meaning, when all bikes are nuanced, none will sell effectively in a tight economic market. Genres have to be mixed or combined to retain the interest of people to buy their first, or next bicycle. The next generation of cyclists won't have a garage full of bikes meant for different disciplines. The next cyclists need crescent wrench bicycles that cover an array of different uses.

Enter the gravel cycling scene. A few months ago I bought my first gravel bike I have owned in a long time, after swearing that I would never own one again. Now that I am older (not just feeling older, but actually getting past my mid thirties), out of shape and living in an area where bad roads abound I see the usefulness of a gravel bike in ways I had not seen before. Here is a bike that I can ride anywhere; on pavement, on singletrack, on a shoulder full of debris, on a bike path and of course, on gravel. The bike itself is heavy, but in all honesty so am I, especially compared to my photo from 2007. While it is not a race bike, once resigned to it's slowness that is when the fun begins. This bike just works and just keeps going. 30 mile ride? No problem. 50 mile gravel event? Also, no problem. Riding with your buddies on an XC trail while they ride their full suspension bikes? No problem and very fun! 

It's 2023. What's important is, I'm still riding!

At the Texas Chainring Massacre Gravel ride. My bike is the green one pictured lying on it's side.

Even at the local mountain bike trail, it still gets the job done.

So if I were to take a guess at where cycling is headed in 2023 and beyond, I would guess that bikes will be designed not around a specific discipline, but around multiple and the aim of such designs will be to increase the functionality, utility and fun factor that the bicycle has. After 15 years taking cycling seriously, for me anyway, it is time to have fun and share that joy with others. The cycling community cannot continue to exist in the form of what the Lance-era cyclists left us. We have to go from being an old, archaic, disapproving, elitist group of insufferable individuals with narcissistic personalities to one that is inclusive, supportive and looks to expand beyond the racing scene. This not only goes for the cycling community but for those whose job it is to brand cycling to the greater audience. Bike shops, manufacturers and online retailers could all do with a makeover in their messaging, branding and pricing. It is my belief that most of these things will happen organically due to changing demand. So keep an eye out for deals on full suspension trail bikes and road bikes, there will be a lot of them going on sale this year!

What about the racers, you might ask? The ones getting paid about $100k a year even though they are global superstars? There will always be race bikes. Race bikes are for racers, who get paid a peanut wage for being professional athletes, who have to be near bulimic to stay at 3% body fat, who have to ingest all sorts of questionable substances to stay on the team. There will always be bikes for them. They are the disc jockeys of our sport. They are not having fun. They suffer for our amusement. It is alright to pity them, that doesn't mean we have to buy the bikes they race on. A $1k bike made of steel will be more enjoyable than a $10k one that isn't designed to take a normal human's weight and will crack in half at the slightest abuse.  Think of it this way, as this is a paradox that only exists in cycling; if you like to watch Lebron James play, would you buy his gym, or would you just buy a twenty dollar basketball and maybe his jersey? We don't need to buy the workout equipment of professional athletes in order to be like them. They will not benefit from any promoting we give them either. They get paid with or without us. Again, for the amount of money people spend on cycling, the cyclists themselves are among the lowest paid athletes in any sport. This to me is a glaring irregularity and the reason why I don't spend over my budget on any new bike, as well as why I seldom buy new bikes anymore. 

2023 will bring about a changing of the guard as to who the next new cyclists will be, as well as an economic reset for the industry as they re-adjust their expectations about their products to the reality that is on the ground. Maybe if they succeed at distancing cycling from it's competitive roots to something broadly enjoyable and fun, more efforts will be made to include cycling in city infrastructure planning. One can dream right? Thanks for reading this article.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

The Reverse Gold Rush and the Domino effects of the Great California Exodus

How Fleeing Californians are affecting the national and global housing markets, reshaping the world around them.

    "It's the edge of the world in all of western civilization. The sun may rise in the east at least it's settled in a final location. It's understood that Hollywood sells Californation." Anthony Kaedis of the Red Hot Chilli Peppers was onto something when he wrote these lyrics over 20 years ago. Indeed, California's biggest export hasn't been major industries or even it's avocado toast, it's been the mass exodus of it's people fleeing it's borders. This isn't a new phenomenon, it has been a long time coming since the early 2000's. How has this eastward migration affected the landscape in the areas they have settled to? What's the driving force behind all this and are we getting to a point of diminishing or negative returns, both for Californians as well as the rest of us? Let's dive a little deeper with some facts that we already know, the export culture from California that is driving up the cost of living as well as some predictions about where this is headed if we continue with the trends we are seeing. 

    Texas used to be a more affordable place. While jobs paid less and Texas has always been a right to work state, for the most part most anyone who worked a full time job could eventually own a home if they chose to. Wages kept up with the cost of living and with good financial planning there was no need for a second job or two incomes in a household. I grew up in a simple working class neighborhood in the Dallas/ Fort Worth area and my family were not top wage earners. I still got to see my dad home before 5pm on most days. My mom for the most part was a homemaker. When my parents planned something that was outside of their budget they would work a part time seasonal job to save the money needed to go on vacations. We didn't own a dryer and hung our clothes out to dry on a clothesline. We also washed all of our dishes by hand. What I'm trying to say is that while we weren't rich by any means, we had what we needed and didn't have to sacrifice a whole lot for it. My parents had a $300 mortgage on a fixer upper in the nighties, as opposed to the 2-3K monthly mortgages most people have today. 

    The terms "mandatory overtime" did not exist and any business that would force such a policy back then was sure to have a lot of employees quit on them. While there have always been workaholics in our society, they were the exception rather than the norm. Even then, most people hit their limit at 60 hours of work a week. Now, it is not uncommon to see people putting in 80 hours a week, while having multiple incomes within a multi-generational household. That's right, multi-generational because the parents can't afford to retire and the grown kids can't afford a place of their own. That is the export culture that Californians have brought to Texas. It's not the chilled, laid back surfer stereotype that we grew up seeing in the movies. Truth be told, Californians have no chill. Their increased presence in other parts of the country brings with him a cost of living increase that they are more than ready to make concessions for, while the rest of us get displaced out of our hometowns which have now become too expensive for locals to buy back into. In addition, Californians can out bid the local housing market all day long because of the purchasing power they possess, largely or mostly in part due to the equity built into their homes that they sold back in Cali. Sell your home, buy two more in Texas has been the mantra Californians have been subscribing to for the past 20 years, contributing to less housing available for locals who don't have the windfall of a half a million dollar home when they enter the housing market.

    Some who have been able to get into the housing market are having their homes soar to record breaking values, as much as 100k in a single year. This has prompted some locals to sell their homes and cash in their equity elsewhere where the cost of living is cheaper, heading east into east Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Florida and so on, continuing the cycle in a domino effect. Some of the younger working force and those with modest retirement pensions are now looking to move abroad to find a solution for their housing needs, only to affect an even poorer local population in those areas. Like an overblown west coast earthquake, the aftershocks can be felt worldwide thousands of miles apart.

    Inflation is a byproduct of a high demand and low supply situation. When the supply is low either through artificial means or because there is an actual shortage of materials, people are willing to pay more for what would normally be a far less expensive product. It is only when supply meets demand or surpassess it, that prices stop going up and meets a new normal. The current trend of rising property values is unsustainable and can be a big factor in across the board inflation, wealth disparity and a disappearing middle class.  Raising interest rates now may come at a time when it's too little to late, where the economy is bailing water as it tries to stay afloat to keep currencies from devaluing further. Even with rising interest rates, this will not deter cash buyers and multinational corporations from buying huge swaths of new home developments and turning them into rental properties. The next recession iceberg looms in the horizon, but it's not too late to reverse course if we act now and with a sense of selflessness. If you can afford to and don't need to sell your home, hold onto it. Lenders and builders need to stop selling homes to multinational buyers and investors who don't plan on living in the neighborhood. Sellers can also choose who they sell their homes to; sometimes the strongest offer on paper doesn't translate into the best or most qualified buyer. While that may seem like a drop in a bucket, any action is better than inaction. A final note to Californians: don't turn the place you live in into the place you ran away from. Texans as a whole don't drive Teslas. They love their brisket, their Dr. Pepper, their Shiner beer and their Cowboys team. If you are moving to Texas, be a Texan. Don't make us have to scratch our heads trying to figure out who you are. In case you need me to say it in Californian: Don't be a kook, we were riding these waves before you got here.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Why I Left Social Media

 Why I'm Leaving (Already Left) Social Media

Social Media has been a sinking ship for the past few years, It was high time I jumped off it.

    Let me start off by saying that I did not take this decision lightly. I have been on social media in one way or another since 2005, going as far back as some of the very first content sharing sites like MySpace. Posting my status is an action that has been hardwired to my brain for the last 17 years of my life. The endorphin rush that I received through views, likes and comments was a stimulus on a chemical and neurological level. Not having that constant reward of others feedback has left a chasm in the place of the importance it once had. The void reminds me of the many hours wasted in front of my phone or computer making Mark Zuckerberg richer instead of coming up with more original thoughts and creative ideas. 

    While social media did help me promote my small business that I had for a few years, in the end I was giving to it more than what I received in return. Like most vices that are addictive and take years to overcome, they only serve to cover for our own deficiencies and lack of discipline in our lives. Truth be told, I have suffered from an immense artist's block for almost two decades. It is so bad that many people who know me do not know me for my artistic ability, that includes most friends and acquaintances in my adult life. With all of my grown up responsibilities, I need all the time possible to get back a semblance of a creative routine. In contrast to years past when I would create things for the enjoyment of others, I now have to create art because I need it in my life, because I need to prove to myself that I can still do it. 

Middle age is a turning point for everyone who reaches that milestone in their life. The question is, "which direction will you turn?". There's the stereotypical midlife crisis where people make foolish decisions that wreck all of the things that they worked towards up to this point in their lives. The expensive sports car, the Rogaine, the Just For Men hair dye, the "I still got it" and other narcissistic and egotistical attitudes are a fast recipe for disaster. Thankfully, those things and attitudes have never really appealed to me. I've never been about being fake and putting out a version of myself that doesn't exist in real life. In the real world, I'm a dad complete with dad bod and a young family (thankfully I'm also not balding, fingers crossed). I've done some really cool things in my life up to this point but that doesn't mean that I will or can continue doing those things at the same level I did them before. As a matter of fact, I don't want to continue to be known for the things that I did, because trying to relive those feats is a tall order to ask for these days. I'm physically and emotionally just not up to the task. I do, however want to try new things. I no longer feel the need to announce the new direction I'm taking my life on social media sites, I'm happy with the self-fulfillment I get just by knowing that I have reached a point of maturity where I am learning new hobbies and going new places without others knowledge or tacit approval. I'm happy with the group of people that I interact with face to face, or at least through WhatsApp or Zoom. I don't need to let anyone else in on my life. The way I see it, I can't complain about privacy violations and getting my information stolen if I'm constantly putting the information out there. I'm sure I have my own city in the Metaverse with all of the information I have volunteered during the time I've been on social media. Guess I'll never know. Unless you read this blog, I guess you'll never know I got off social media either.

Recently, I have found a new hobby I'm in love with : Paddleboarding

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Pandemic Notes, Global Bike Shortage, Hyperinflation on the rise?

 May 2021: While more people are vaccinated, other problems loom in the horizon

Let me start off by saying if you are still reading this blog in 2021, I really appreciate it. I am working on slowly transitioning to Vloging, but don't have the video editing skills needed to create the kind of content I would like to create for my viewers. I have a YouTube channel where I vary my content to attract a larger audience. Currently the channel features skateboarding videos of me because for some reason middle aged skateboarders are becoming more popular. The truth is, just like film photography, storytelling on the printed page is becoming a lost art. It is hard to find those with the ability to ignite our imaginations and keep us wrapt in attention for even 15 minutes to read a blog post. So if you're still here after all of these years, Thank you. The last time blogs were popular we had Nooks and Portlandia wasn't even on Netflix yet. As a matter of fact Netflix still mailed DVDs. Needless to say I don't blog for the money, I do it because it's the medium that I express myself the best in.

Texas is opening up, this time not so prematurely. Vaccines are available to the majority of the population except for kids at this time. While we are still encouraged to wear masks and social distance, the number of COVID cases are continually declining. I look forward to a time where I can take my family to watch a good movie at the drive in or dine in theater. The two to three movies that have come out since the pandemic have all been busts. Whatever happened to feel good, wholesome family entertainment? Along with the many shortages that this pandemic has caused this has got to be one of the hardest ones to deal with. Hollywood really needs to get out of it's depression and give the masses something to take their mind off of the craziness of 2020 that has carried on until now. But a shortage of good movies isn't the only thing that we seem to be lacking as a society. Let's talk about bikes, like we always do, because after all this is a bike blog, not just my life blog.

The global supply chain has not corrected itself. As a matter of fact, it seems to be limping around, fatally wounded. Just yesterday I was at Sun and Ski sports, a popular sporting goods store in my area. Just like Wal-Mart and Target, the bike racks in the stores were almost empty. Whatever was on the shelves looked like they had been purchased from another distributor that the store doesn't normally work with. The bikes looked like overstock items left over from last year. The one singular mountain bike on the shelf that I saw cost $8,000. In a normal time, the same bike wouldn't be worth more than $2K. 

Owning a bike will soon be like owning a pair of Nike Jordan's in the 90's. I hope people don't get shot over a bike like they did for a pair of basketball shoes 30 years ago, but it seems with the way prices seem to be going up for bikes it's only a matter of time before crime takes a hold of the situation. Prices are up so much in fact that domestic production for bikes has a chance of being successful more than ever before. Just like when gas prices went up to $4 a gallon and domestic production for oil ramped up in North Dakota (which was not great at all for the environment, anyone remember the Keystone Pipline?) bicycle manufacturers need to mount a similiar response to the shortage of imported bikes. Putting an item on pre-order just won't cut it in the U.S., that isn't the way business is done here. I wouldn't give any business thousands of dollars for a product I'm not sure that I will ever recieve. My message to online bike retailers and bike shops alike is either have the bicycle in stock, or only charge the customer a refundable deposit to place an item on order. Pre-ordering is getting out of control and we as a society shouldn't accept that as a new norm.  

Growing up, name brand goods and quality bikes were a luxury. It's safe to say my family kept Payless Shoes in business throughout the nineties. When you wanted to spend your saved pennies on something nice, you had to order it through a catalog, then wait for the product to arrive via the snail mail pony express. We are slowly but surely regressing to those times. The problem is the market, our shopping behaviors and society's expectations have moved on from those times. This is causing unprecedented demand for goods that are creating a domino effect of backlogs in other services and industries. What this all leads to is one word, hyperinflation.

Inflation is a lost of confidence in a currency's value. I would compare it to the spillway of a dam,  where excess water sometimes has to be drained. Hyerinflation is a complete rupture of the dam. No matter how much the water runs, it will never fill back up. The dam is a currency's buying power, held together by the market and consumer confidence. The water is currency, and the runoff is inflation. We are headed for a break in a Hoover sized dam. We can look to examples of the detrimental effects hyperinflation can have on countries like Venezuela and Lebanon. Never say "it can't happen here", because that's when it usually happens in your area.

If you have a bicycle and don't need to sell it, now is a good time to hold onto it. Sell it now and you might not be able to replace it. Only sell it in the future as a bargaining item for something else. Stay tuned for more updates from A Bicycle's Point Of View.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

What I learned from Riding a Mountain Bike for a month


This was my only bike for a month

Do we need a bike for every discipline? How necessary are gravel bikes, road bikes and all of the other sub categories that are sold as "essential" items? Can there really be one bike to rule them all?

Some bikes are designed for speed, others for dirt trail endurance and still others for recklessness. The best bike you can ride is the one you own. Whatever discipline you choose, you will find the limits of your abilities and that of your bike real quickly. Some might trade and "upgrade" to something that might be a better fit for them, at least in their own mind. But what if that isn't an option anymore? What if there is a global bike shortage due to the supply chain being massively impacted by a pandemic? We don't have to imagine that scenario anymore because we are living and breathing it. The industry seems to be sputtering back into life but is still unable to meet the massive new demand it has acquired. If getting a new bike isn't an option for you, you might be able to take comfort in my experience of riding my mountain bike everywhere, for a month.

Before getting into my story I understand that while you can ride a mountain bike on the road, you can't ride a road bike in the mountains (at least most people can't without breaking it). So while I was stuck with a mountain bike, your experience might be that you are stuck with a road bike, a cruiser, a tandem or a unicycle, which might greatly limit where you can ride your bicycle in the event an upgrade was not possible. With that out of the way, let's continue the story, because there is a point to be made about mountain bikes in the end.

Last year a lot of the best things happened under the worst circumstances. We welcomed another child into the world, yes a COVID baby. We also bought a house. We couldn't stay where we were living at before moving into our new house, so we were nomads for a month. I got to take full advantage of my campervan which I had spent years getting ready for a big journey I knew I would surely take one day. Out of all my bikes that I had, I could only choose one to take with me while the rest waited for me in storage. I knew that where I was going there would be hills, nature and some singletrack. I knew that I wouldn't be able to escape to the mountain bike trails every day because we would be on a working vacation, using whatever Wi-fi was available in our Airbnb and our hotel. It wouldn't be realistic to think that I would be mountain biking every single day, but I wanted to be prepared just in case I did. I ended up taking my hardtail 29er which I hadn't really ridden much since I already had other bikes that I rode more. I spent most of my time riding roads, and only once did I make it out to the trails. 

((As readers can tell from the photos, I did other cool stuff besides riding bikes))

I learned something valuable from this experience. It really important to be content in life if you are blessed with the necessary things. It's foolish to follow every trend and be a sucker for every marketing hype that is put before you. The illusion of speed is just that, an illusion. There will always be someone who is faster, no matter what bike you are on. A bike that can handle the asphalt and the dirt really is the only bike you need. A dedicated bike for a specific riding surface or type of riding should be looked at as an added bonus but not as a necessity. Before the pandemic we had an idea of what needs and wants were. During this time some of us have gained a better understanding of what needs and wants actually are. If I was stuck with only my mountain bike, even though the majority of my riding is done on the road, it would be difficult to deal with at first, but then it becomes second nature, as we humans are good at adapting to new challenges and circumstances. My average speed would go down by about 3mph, but then again I could get on dirt paths or even ride where there were no paths at all. By their very nature, mountain bikes are less fragile and more durable than other types of bikes. They can be ridden on a bike lane in Berlin or in the African savannah. If you are stuck with only one bike you can own, buy a mountain bike or keep the mountain bike you already have. 

Today I took out my 29er hardtail again for another road ride. The mountain bike trails in my area are closed due to 2 weeks of constant rain. Wanting to scratch my itch for mountain biking I went on a 41 mile ride through mostly country roads exploring my new area. It gave me the opportunity to reflect on what I went through last year and count my blessings. Compared to some who have had to deal with the COVID virus firsthand, I really didn't have to deal with any challenges of that magnitude. My life turned the page while some closed their books entirely as they fell victims to this horrible virus. It is important to look at things with the right context, because COVID took the lives and livelihoods of many people around the world. My point is that contentment brings happiness. If you are not happy with your current bike, current job or current circumstances, break things down into their simpler form. You have a bike, you have a job and you have the ability to control your perspective on life, which can then allow you to see how to change your circumstances. Contentment is not the same as complacency, which some people seem to get confused. Unlike complacency, contentment is important for your emotional health. Stay happy, and stay blessed friends.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

COVID-19: The good, the bad and the unintended revival of the everyday cyclist

Here in the U.S, we are about two months into giving the COVID-19 pandemic the seriousness it deserves. Even as I write this article, however, most stay at home restrictions have already been lifted and many businesses have reopened. Restaurants are once again reopening their dining rooms and parks are crowded with large groups of people. The warning for continued caution has largely fallen on deaf ears as people blatantly disregard warnings about social distancing and are no longer wearing masks. To be clear, there is no green light to go back to normal. Out of 320,000,000 people, about 1% of the U.S population has actually been tested. To date there has yet to be a vaccine or proven remedy that will work against this virus. Tests are not mandatory to the public and quarantines are no longer being enforced. 

I have to preface my article with a statement of both disappointment and disbelief of how people have reacted to the virus on a national level. There seems to be more concern for the almighty dollar than for saving human lives. Something as fundamental as the value of human life should be an issue we should all stand behind in solidarity. Instead misinformation and political bias has turned our common enemy, COVID-19 into a political issue. Instead of receiving a consistent message from the people that we turn to inform us of current events, some news media outlets have been giving us a mixed bag of opinions and conspiracy theories that are not grounded in reality. It seems that it is up to every person and business individually as to how they are going to protect themselves and their families during this time. There is no guidance or leadership from any of the programs and entities that are supposed to be qualified to guide us through a situation like this. 

There will be consequences for irresponsible actions and disregard for life and personal safety. Those who err on the side of caution now are likely to fare better in the times to come. This is not over and it will likely take on a new dimension pretty soon. Skeptical? Wait and see. Feel free to bookmark this article for historical reference. ;)

On a different and very positive note (shifting gears, I had to get my nihilism, or factual reporting, out of the way) this pandemic has had a very positive impact on the environment as well as many people who were once overworked but now have found the leisure time for exercise and self-improvement. With the reduced greenhouse gases from people staying at home instead of driving, the weather in Texas has never been better. We are having an actual Spring for the first time in years. The cooler weather has also brought many people out on their bicycles. People of all types are taking to cycling now, not just the competitive athlete types but people with kids and dogs who want to enjoy the outdoors, maybe for the first time in their lives. Bike shops and mobile bicycle repair operations are seeing their business model shift to cater to commuters and casual cyclists over those who ride for sport. If this trend continues we can hope to see a revival of sorts in the way of infrastructure improvements for cyclists along with real transit oriented development initiatives. TOD improvements in my area have been a joke and have missed the mark of their original purpose. Many are glorified high end retail outlets that don't incorporate or support community businesses. High end retail and high end housing have gentrified the former communities that were once here. Hopefully as local governments look to meet the increased demand for cyclists, real strides can be made to connect people to the places they need to go via their bicycles. 

What can you do now in this time of social distancing and reduced work hours? Start by riding your bike (of course, you knew I'd say that). Familiarize yourself with your local bike paths and low traffic roads in your area. Create routes to and from places. Figure out the ins and outs of your town or city, the back roads and the neighborhood roads. Grow a garden. Find a wooded area to social isolate, take in the nature around you. See all of the animals that have come out of hiding thanks to our reduced carbon footprint. Stay positive and take comfort in the fact that there are a few people that still take this seriously, that are preparing for the worst to come. Read the Bible. Read Matthew Chapter 24. Read Luke Chapter 21. Take note that these things that we are seeing now were already foretold to happen. "The shrewd one sees the danger and conceals himself, but the inexperienced must suffer the consequences"-Proverbs 22:3. Pick up a new hobby of your choice. Keep your mind busy. Connect with friends via face time or Zoom. Stay busy, stay active and don't be fooled into complacency. That's about all I have for now. Stay safe and stay tuned for more articles from my blog.

Monday, February 3, 2020

If you're cycling over age 30, then please read this blog

Of all of my blog posts, this one is the most important...

Chances are, if  you're reading this blog, or any blogs at all these days, you are well over the age of 30. That's okay, you've come to the right place. This blog will address topics related directly to our health and safety as pre-middle aged men and women on our post young adulthood. To put it frankly, there are things that are simply not discussed enough among our cycling demographic. While the internet is full of "Look at me!" video vlogs, dietary advice, action camera footage and bike bling, barely any content is practical to cyclists our age. Brand and lifestyle influencers, as well as industry marketers have given us a false illusion that our fountain of youth will last forever and that it's okay to still be young, wild and reckless. After all of the injuries I had in 2019, some of which I am still reeling from, I'm here to set the record straight as to what exactly is it like to be a cyclist in your 30's.

To start with, why is our age so important? Because we are in an age where many in life have found a good footing financially and have acquired some disposable income for a hobby of our choice. Long gone are the days in our twenties when we would survive on ramen noodles, spaghetti with tuna, mac and cheese and little Vienna sausages ( I still eat that stuff sometimes, these days by choice). With that newly acquired disposable income, some choose a hobby that is both fun and good for our well-being. Others choose a hobby to keep them in a state of feeling young. Some of us choose cycling, a hobby that when done with moderation and modesty can actually prolong our youthful state as well as physical fitness levels. The problem is that when we roll into our 30's from our 20's some of us don't feel the clock change. Even if only of a little while, it seems that we entered our 30's and nothing actually happened. Our fitness levels didn't decline, our energy was the same and we were still going big and sending it on jumps on our mountain bikes. We naively go about taking risk after risk until the day our bike goes sideways on the trail or we decide to go George of the Jungle on a tree. We fall, something breaks, gets sprained or torn and we immediately realize that we are no longer in our 20's anymore. We learn new words like "Orthopedist" and get acquainted really well with our physical therapists. After 4 or 5 injuries  of the same nature our abilities start to decline. Our time on the bike is suddenly regulated on how long we can ride without pain. Daily movements that we used to not give a second thought to are now debated endlessly in our minds. Bending over to pick something up now becomes a chore for our knees. The ground seems a lot higher and our legs don't want to lower us there anymore. Injuries that used to take days to heal are now taking months. Our tendons bulge from our joints as they become scarred and thickened. This is the part of the story nobody seems to be parading on social media. This is what being a cyclist in your 30's is really like. 

I'm currently in this dark place as we speak. Despite my optimism that things will get better or that I will at least reach a new "normal", uncertainty about my ability to recover hides underneath the surface. I find myself deliberately holding back my efforts to ride at the pace I usually enjoy as to not injure myself further and stop the healing process. Since my injuries by body has generously added over 10 pounds on my bathroom scale. I start weighing the cost/benefit relationship that I have with cycling, something I have never done before. I picture myself pursuing other hobbies and accepting a newer, "fatter" me as hypothetical scenario that is slowly becoming reality. I start to think about how cycling helps me adapt and adjust to other changes in life and how stressful life would be without it. I go back in my mind and ask what I would have done different to avoid being in the spot that I'm currently in.  I repent, over and over for being so stupid and not wearing knee pads on the mountain bike trail and not realizing that my body was no longer in it's 20's, even though my mind was. 

I put an old, 90's mountain bike with slick tires on my trainer, because the road bike is just too uncomfortable. 10 to 20 minutes in, I stop as soon as I break a sweat. Gone it seems are the times I could ride the trainer for an hour straight. Even though my sessions are really short, I tell myself that I got my heart rate up and I achieved something. The warm up then turns into a stretching session, a process which I have been repeating for the past several months. 

I go on short rides with my son. Then I go on short rides by myself. I try to increase the distance little by little. Right now I can manage 30 miles at about 16-17mph average speed. Even then, I am at my limit and need to promptly ice my knees afterwords. After 5 months from my last injury, I'm left wondering if I will ever be the same again.

If you are a cyclist or mountain biker in your 30's, please be aware of the following. Jumps, transitions, doubles and table tops are words that shouldn't be a part of your vocabulary. If you don't know what a double is, too bad, you're too old to do it anyway. Instead, familiarize yourself with the words "knee pads", "elbow pads" and "insurance deductible". Trust me, you'll go a lot farther knowing those words instead.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Marin Four Corners: Honest Review

The Marin Four Corners: What is it, exactly?

A robust and well built bicycle, the Four Corners struggles to find it's footing in a specific bike category

I really like this bike, I just need an excuse to use it. Is it a mountain bike? Not exactly. Is it a road bike? Definitely not. Is it a "gravel" bike? Maybe. The bike rides really planted on gravel and soaks up the potholes with ease. But is it a fast, race specific gravel bike? It's not even moderately fast. In fact, I'm about 2-3 mph slower on average when I ride it. So what is the Marin Four Corners? What, exactly, was it designed for? Let me attempt to shed some light on a bicycle that was heavily marketed by the Marin brand and see if it lived up to the hype. 

Marin promised us the possibility of a do it all bike that is stable enough for touring but nimble enough for singletrack use and even getting a bit of air on the trail. I've searched all over the internet in hopes of seeing any actual reviews from real people using their bikes this way. Sure, the people in the promotional video (see video shown above) are skilled professionals who can probably bunny hop a beach cruiser and sell it to us as the next progressive travel enduro bike. But are people actually using the Four Corners as intended?

The answer from an extensive search is a resounding no. To begin with, most people who reviewed the bike online are actually from Poland and Russia, so I had to go on context clues to try to understand the YouTube reviews. From what it appeared most people were riding this bike similar to the way most people ride hybrid or path and pavement bikes. Granted most reviewers seemed like they had many positive things to say about the bike, however the gnar factor was definitely missing from their videos. Nobody was sending this bike off jumps or careening into drops and no one seemed to be popping wheelies. 

So what has my experience been with the Marin Four Corners? What, in my opinion can and can't this bike actually do? After a year of ownership, I think I have my verdict. I will eventually attempt a ride on my local mountain bike trail with this bike, so this is still a preliminary review based on all the other forms of riding that I have done with it. 

The Marin Four Corners Is: 

Comfortable- This is a very comfortable bike. It's upright for a drop bar bike, and riding the drops doesn't leave you gasping for air. The bike soaks up a lot of road vibrations and the ride is very forgiving overall. 

Stable: Even unloaded (I have never loaded mine up for bikepacking or touring) this bike is very much planted on the ground. On loose, gravel descents it doesn't feel twitchy or off balance. The back wheel grips well on dirt climbs. 

Durable: Everything on this bike is built to last. This bike is made from quality parts including what is basically a 29er rigid fork and wheelset to compliment the already robust steel frame. Nothing flexes where it shouldn't. The drivetrain shifts under load and doesn't skip gears. The chain doesn't bounce off the bike on big bumps or potholes. Like a Toyota Land Cruiser, everything on this bike looks made to stand 25 years of abuse. 

The Marin Four Corners Is Not:

Light: Weighing in at just shy of 30 pounds, this bike is not light, not by road bike standards, gravel bike standards, touring bike standards,  not even by hardtail mountain bike standards. This bike is heavy, everything about it from the frame and wheelset makes it so. There are no punchy accelerations that can be done on this bike. Rather, it encourages the rider to ride at a consistent pace throughout the whole ride. A day of climbing on this bike will usually result in an evening icing the knees. 

Fast: I have done all of my riding with the stock wheelset and tires that originally came on the bike. So my assessment of the bike's speed comes from the original equipment it came with. Why shouldn't it? It's designed to be a mountain bike with drop bars and road bike gearing. With that in mind, this bike is not fast pointing any direction that is not downhill. Could it be fast with narrower tires and a lighter wheelset? Likely but that is not the point. If you have nowhere to be in a hurry then I highly recommend this bike. This bike will have you finishing your usual routes 20-30 minutes later than you normally would. The rotational weight of the wheels is the biggest cause of all of this and in my opinion the bike is not optimally geared to accommodate for such a heavy wheelset, thereby reducing acceleration and speed.

A lot of marketing dollars went into making the Marin Four Corners. The Pine Mountain, a much more versatile and capable bikepacking bike, did not receive nearly the same amount of marketing. To be fair, the Four Corners seems to sell very well overseas and in areas where the roads are bad or non-existent. Where paved roads and mountain bike trails abound this bike seems to struggle to find it's footing. While there are gravel roads near me, I have to ride my bike 10 miles to the edge of town to get to them. If I lived in Iowa and had gravel roads out my front porch I would see the usefulness and utility of such a ruggedly designed bike. However, being in a densely populated North Texas suburb I have to admit that there is little need for such an overbuilt bicycle. While I appreciate the durability and comfort that this bike can offer I find myself struggling to find an opportunity to use it. This may have to do with the fact that I'm a recreational cyclist living in a well developed area. If I relied solely on my bike for transportation or lived out in a rural village this bike would be a priceless commodity to have. 

In a post-apocalyptic world where the Tour De France is held in Mad Max-type conditions, this bike would reign supreme. For every other scenario, this bike seems a little bit of an overkill. Having said all of that, I really enjoy the bike so I plan to keep riding it for the time being. I will one day write a review on it that does it justice, as soon as I can figure out what it really excels at.